Oklahoma Drivers License Restriction Codes A
HI Tech Pawn Software Downloads. HI TECH PAWN SOFTWARE DOWNLOADSINSTALL ON A NEW MACHINE 2. QEUPDATE EXISTING VERSION 2. QGDownload this to install HI Tech Pawn software on a new server or additional workstations on your network. Download this to update HI Tech Pawn software to the latest version on your server. WINDOWS Vista, 7, 8 1. USERS NEED TO RUN THE PROGRAM AS AN ADMINISTRATORAfter installing the software on a new machine just right click the HI Tech Pawn for Windows shortcut on your desktop, click the COMPATIBILITY tab then click the Run as Administrator checkbox at the bottom. Summary of Military Lending Act changes effective October 3, 2. Burrell Printing. Additional Information and Forms available for Military Lending Act changes effective October 3, 2. Burrell Printing. Military Lending Act for Pawnbrokers Webinar by Jackie Mallett. HI Tech Pawn Manual Beta Release 1. Qv Final Version PendingHI Tech Pawn Drawer Balancing Guide No Bank Account MethodHI Tech Pawn Drawer Balancing Guide Using Bank Account MethodManaging Store Transfers Using HTPHI Tech Pawn Wallpaper Standard or Widescreen. HI Tech Pawn Customer Support Folder. Scanshell Drivers License Scanner Setup Utility v. HI Tech Pawn Scanner and Webcam Setup Utility v. Configuring HI Tech Pawn Software For Use With Leads. Online Police Reporting. Configuring HI Tech Pawn Software For Use With RISS NESPIN WSIN Police Reporting. TheINQUIRER publishes daily news, reviews on the latest gadgets and devices, and INQdepth articles for tech buffs and hobbyists. Benefits Enrollment for 2018 is Closed. Click an icon above to find more information for your benefits program. New Electronic Freeze Form Norman Programs. Find Commercial Drivers License Requirements in Your State. Information about CDL Class A, Class B and Class C Licenses, CDL Endorsements and CDL Training Schools. Licensing/Getting-a-licence/~/media/Licensing/Queensland%20new%20cards/Images/Marine_licence_indicator.ashx?w=600&h=233&as=1' alt='Oklahoma Drivers License Restriction Codes A' title='Oklahoma Drivers License Restriction Codes A' />ATF State Laws Ordinances 2. EditionAccess Technology Group Secure Online Backup Partner. SMS Text Messaging To use our text messaging capability contact Keith Julius at Solutions By Text 9. VERSION HISTORY92. QG Please make a backup before updating your software. Customer Notices now print sorted by customer name. Outstanding inventory assets can now be written to an excel spreadsheet in a format which can be imported into Quickbooks. This new feature is found on the accounting menu labeled as Quickbooks Data File. Updated the Utah Deferred Presentment contract with changes requested by state examiners. QF Updated South Carolina notices per state examiner requirements. QE Fixed additional issue with Ohio notices related to loans written prior to 32. Updated Outstanding Pawns Report to recalculate all late fee amounts prior to preparation. Added the ability to select a single customer for the outstanding pawns, overdue pawns and checks to deposit reports. QD Fixed issues related to increasing or paying principal on loans written prior to 32. Ohio. 872. 01. 7 2. QC Added multiple pawns on same day disclaimer to Ohio Burrell form. Added category selection and summary or detailed mode options to the Employee Sales report. Added option under legal settings to require a valid SSN or NONE be entered on the second form of ID before allowing a pawn or check advance to be saved. QB Added option to default to only firearms on police reporting setup. Added option to remove all customer specific information from view, print or email police reporting. Added custom TN plain paper full page form with a 6. Various minor bug fixes. QA Completed integration of notice fees into renewal and redemption transactions. Any unpaid notice fees are shown in a new fee box on the renewal and redemption screens. The user can forgive or reduce those fees and those notices will be flagged as settled upon saving the ticket regardless of what may have been charged on the transaction. Voiding any transaction that included notice fees will return those notices to unpaid status. Q Added Notices Mailed report for verification by the Post Office of notices sent. QL Added option to the transaction report to sort by customer name. Added custom Arkansas A5 pawn form D K. Fixed bug when deleting an expense paid by EFT check where the check transaction did not get voided. Added foreclosure as one of the reporting modes available on the marketing analysis report and fixed two problems with the sales mode. QK Fixed issues with Ohio notices for loans written prior to 32. An alternate fee amount can now be set on the notices screen and defaults to 2. In addition these loans will have a notice triggered 3. QJ Fixed Ohio forfeit date issues on forms and the foreclosure manager. Loans written prior to 32. Updated zip code 3. Rocky Top, TN. 652. QI Added Utah Deferred Deposit and Title Loan examiner spreadsheets to the reports menu. QH Added option on Virginia interest and fee rates to only charge the ERM record keeping and police reporting fee once per loan. When activating this feature the APR is adjusted to 1. ERM. The ERM fee is only charged on the first renewal or if the loan has never been renewed on the redemption. QG Updated layaway verification report with options to sort by ticket or storage location and date range of layaway. Improved report layout and added new columns for storage location and layaway customer. QF Added new feature on customer editor to scan their information from the 2. D barcode on the rear of their drivers license using a standard barcode reader. Changes to Macks Highway Market custom check advance form. Changes to Washington Street Pawnbrokers custom pawn form. QE Added Massachusetts plain paper full page pawn laser form. QD Added new retail zones feature that allows you to assign items to a floor zone like a jewelry case or guitar rack etc. Complete overhaul of item verification system which now includes logging and reporting with audible prompts for totally hands free one person verification. Added the ability to verify by retail zone. Added Retail Zone Sales Analysis report to evaluate performance by shop floor zone. QC Updated renewal label to properly show both fees and principal paid. Added option to chart purchases by category report to exclude items from store transfers. Fixed typo on several Florida forms. Updated custom Florida form for Hess Fine Arts. Added purchase hold period for firearms, be sure to set the number of days on the setup menu under legal settings as soon as you update to this version. Fixed minor problems with displaying a purchased items out for sale date on some tickets and labels. All contracts, forms, reports and police reporting will now use the cell number instead of the home phone number when one has been entered. QB Updated New York pawn notice text to clearly identify the forfeiture date instead of the due date. Minor requested changes to the Fort Knox custom pawn form. QA Added Ontario payday loan activity report. Fixed issue with viewing the Tennessee analysis of regulated business activity reports. Q Added Ohio Burrell pawn form 1. QJ Added Indiana check advance contract. Added a marketing tab to the search records tool. Use this to get a report, spreadsheet or mailing labels for customers who havent done a loan in the number of months you specify. Includes options for pawn, title pledge or check advance customers and customers with a current loan, bad debt, alerts, stolen items or are banned from new loans are automatically removed from the results. Alex Math Computer Program - The Best Software For Your. QI Fixed problem with previous installer. QH Added changes to forms, rates and forfeit age for Ohio pawn law changes effective today. Fixed issue with retrieving items when operating in New York. QG Added the ability to manually edit the fee and interest dollar amounts for a pawn during ticket entry. This feature is enabled under the same security option used to allow editing of percentage rates.