Isis Proteus 7.4
Jesusparallellerna tredje utgvan, 2006 av Roger Viklund D jag efter strre efterforskning funnit mer material, har min ursprungliga artikel om. Web oficial de la Universidade da Corua. Enlaces a centros, departamentos, servicios, planes de estudios. Je met en pice jointe le schma lectrique ainsi que le routage au format Proteus 7. Isis et Ares. Le code C de lapplication a t dvelopp avec CCS et. Desde los orgenes, la humanidad ha tenido que hacer frente a una cuestin fundamental la forma de preservar y transmitir su cultura, es decir, sus creencias y. Isis Proteus 7.4' title='Isis Proteus 7.4' />The Revision of Ancient History A Perspective. By P John Crowe. An edited and extended version of a paper presented to the SIS Jubilee Conference, Easthampstead Park, Sept. Revision No. 2 August 2. Contents. Introduction An Outline History of Revising Ancient History Up to 1. Exaggerating Antiquity. The Early Greek and Alexandrian Historians. The Early Christian Chronologists. Sir Isaac Newton, First of the Major Revisionists. The Birth of Egyptology and the Chronological Debate. The Invention of the Dark Ages, and Resulting Disputes. Immanuel Velikovsky and Other Revisionists 1. Velikovsky and Ages In Chaos. Donovan Courville. Pense, and E Schorr on Dark Age Mythology. Schorr and the Stratigraphy of Troy. SIS and the Pro Ages in Chaos Era 1. African Rhythm Midi Files there. The SIS Early Years. Velikovskys Peoples of the Sea and Rameses II and his Time 4. J Dayton and Minerals, Metals, Glazing and Man 4. Glaring Glazing Anachronisms. Glazing Anomalies Resolved by The Glasgow Chronology. P. James, D. Rohl, and G. Heinsohn lead in New Directions. The James Rohl Chronology. The Formation of ISIS. D Rohl and the New Chronology Will It Stand the Test of Time P James, Centuries of Darkness, and an Alternative Revision. G Heinsohn and the Evidence of Stratigraphy. The 1. 99. 0s Open Season for Revisionists 6. An Overview. 6. 2 Mainstream Revisionists. Ages in Chaos Revisionists. More Radical Revisionists. Significant Others. The Revisionist Outlook for the New Millennium 7. Revisionists Are Still Needed. Archaeology to the RescueScientific and Astronomical Dating. Catastrophic Dating. Israel or Greece as the Flash points Proof beyond Reasonable Doubt. Vested Interests and the Deaf Establishment. Concluding Comments 8. Velikovskys Pillars Supporting Conventional Chronology Have Changed. The Shishak Shoshenk Equation in Focus. Manetho Revisited. Which of the Competing Revisions will Win NOTE 1. The historical dates quoted are B. C. E. unless otherwise stated. NOTE 2. This 2. Velikovsky. This paper reflects my views in 2. PJC. 0. 9. 0. 8. 0. INTRODUCTION The Revision of Ancient History A Perspective. Ancient History as taught today is a disaster area. Nothing fits convincingly together. The development of the arts, cultures and technologies from earliest times shows inexplicable incongruities. Art historians and archaeologists are in disarray. Why Because the chronology of the first and second millennium BC is badly wrong. How did this disaster happen As accident investigators well know, the sequence of events leading up to major disasters is invariably a sequence of highly unlikely and unexpected happenings and coincidences. These conspire, often in chances of many millions to one against, to cause the disaster. Ancient history revisionists believe the cause of the disaster lies within the conventional chronology of ancient Egypt, referred to as the CC throughout the rest of this paper. This has been assumed correct, and used directly or indirectly to date nearly all the other early civilisations throughout Europe and the Near East. Such is the measure of control exerted by todays academic establishment that they would not tolerate a revisionist movement from within. So interested outsiders, including some brilliant scholars and innovative thinkers, who call themselves ancient history revisionists, are having to act as the accident investigators for this disaster. They are investigating all the relevant evidence, with painstaking thoroughness, to discover and expose all the events and unlucky coincidences that led to the adoption of the CC. The Society for Interdisciplinary Studies SIS was founded in 1. Immanuel Velikovsky. He was one of the first to make the public aware that Egypts ancient chronology was, and still is, badly wrong. As a result, the pharaohs of the 1. Dynasty D1. 8, which most famously include Queen Hatshepsut and Tutankhamun, are made too ancient by around 5. He reached this conclusion after comparing the early histories of the Hebrews and the Egyptians. In the Old Testament OT, the ancient Hebrews recorded such major events as their Descent into Egypt, the Sojourn, Oppression, and Exodus from Egypt, and later campaigns against them by the Egyptian rulers Shishak and Zerah. However, no clear reference to any of these events can be found in Egyptian history. Since late Victorian times, ancient historians and archaeologists have assumed, from an amalgam of early sources, that their consensual version of Egyptian chronology is secure. So Egyptian artefacts, which were found in many places outside Egypt, were used to date the archaeology of other countries around the Mediterranean that had no ancient records of their own. For example, pottery from Mycenae in Greece was found in Egypt, depicted on the walls of tombs of kings of the eighteenth dynasty D1. So the start of the Mycenaean era was dated to around the beginning of D1. The Mycenaean era is believed to have ended at the time the Dorian invasion of southern Greece, c. The objection that this was some 5. Greek and Roman historians, who lived some 2. Archaeologists then began to find Mycenaean pottery in countries all round the Eastern Mediterranean. This led them to conclude that there were widespread occupation gaps in Greece and other countries after the end of the Mycenaean age, around 1. BCE 1. 2C. People then seemed mysteriously to reappear in their cities and carry on much as before around the 8th century, when continuity could be firmly established with the classical Greek period and with the more soundly dated Neo Assyrian empire. These occupation gaps of 4 to 5 centuries were called Dark Ages, and they have provided scholars with a rich vein of confusion and controversy to this day. Velikovsky, quoting from early archaeological reports, cited many disputes between famous archaeologists that were caused by the sudden requirement to interpret archaeology within a new timeframe imposed by these Dark Ages. Many were bitter, and careers were irreparably damaged. Most disputes were swept under the carpet, and have not been satisfactorily resolved to this day. Archaeology, when interpreted with an open mind, has now actually proved beyond reasonable doubt that the Dark Ages did not exist, but the proof is ignored. Vested interest in the status quo has won the day. Huge amounts of public money are being spent on studying this Victorian invention, and hundreds of books written about the Dark Ages have failed to explain their cause with any conviction. Sadly, it seems no one in academia has had the courage publicly to challenge the basic assumptions upon which Egyptian chronology, the progenitor of the Dark Ages, is founded. Sadly the response to innovative thinking in academia is often to try to drown both the innovator and his work in a tide of ridicule and misrepresentation. The dogma of the Establishment, which strictly controls what is taught to the next generation, has ever been fiercely defended. But it has often been wrong. To take a much quoted example, the Catholic Church burnt Bruno alive at the stake in 1. AD for refusing to believe that the Earth was the centre of the Universe, a dogma they had been teaching unchallenged for some 1. Academia today is exerting an ever tighter control on what is taught, and on the subjects suitable for research.